Gilamon's graphic novel, "Zombie, Cannibal and Raygunn" is finally out in the market. This 200 pages book not only collects every ashcans we ever produce since 2003, there are almost a hundred pages of material specially produced for this volume. It's a self-publish effort and there are only limited copies available. It will make it's debut @
San Diego Comic Con 2009 & follow by
Singapore Toy, Games and Comic Convention 2009(STGCC)!
For those who won't be at both convention and is interested to get a copy, please email us @ gilamons[a]

"Zombie, Cannibal & Raygunn" cover
Lefty's "Major Zombie" pages
Michael Chuah's "Cannibal Boy, Private Investigator(CBPI)" pages
Chin Sau Lim's "Agent Raygunn Smith" pages