Gilamon's Black Xmas Ts come just in time (phew~) for this year's yuletide season shopping spree. These are very limited hand printed T and its the best Xmas present to your friends and enemies(remember, 'tis a season to love and forgive too).
Black Xmas #01 Kaktus
This one features our resident chinese eyes cowgirl gotten herself in a tight spot.
Black Xmas #02 Skull O'Skuit
Villian of the day is this drunken Irish squit who had too much stouts.
Read all about it in your Major Zombie comic book which comes FREE with any purchase of the T.
We are only selling them online and at a very special price. Please email us for the confirmation of order, but before that, you have to read the R&R listed below.
Rules and Regulations
Please read all the rules and regulations before you place an order. we are not responsible for any unavoidable incontinences after the order is placed.
01 All T-shirts are readied stock.
02 There might be a slight difference in colour from the picture shown through different computer monitor.
03 Once the order is confirmed, FULL AMOUNT of the payment should be bank in within 3 days
04 Order will be cancelled automatically if we did not receive the full payment within 3 days after the order is confirmed.
05 All prices are excluding shipping and handling.
06 All goods will be sent through POSLAJU (Shipping and handling fees of RM5 will be charge for each item purchased.)
07 Gilamon does not responsible for any lost or damage of the goods during shipping.
08 Please email us at +gilamons@gmail.com for all order enquiries.
09 Once you bank in, please scan (or take a clear digital shot) of the bank-in slip/ online banking notification and email it to +gilamon@gmail.com as a proof of payment.
10 Order(s) will be sent out within 3 working days after we received this proof of payment.
11 Once you have placed your order, it would mean that you have read and agreed with our rules and regulations as per here.
Email order must follow the format below
Full Name:
Handphone No:
Item No:
Total Amount:
Recipient’s Full Name:
Recipient’s Address:
Recipient’s Handphone No:
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