Lefty who was sent by his company Storm Lion to New York Comic Convention recently, has a few pictures to share:

^ Giant-size He-Man greets the fanboys at the entrance
^ Crowd coming in
^ At Radical booth: l>r Steve Pugh (Hot-wire), Teddy Cebugos, Jeremy Berger, Barry Levine, Steve Niles (City of Dust; 30 Days of Night), Jesse Berger, Edmund Shern, Gianluca and Lefty
^ Lat's Kampung Boy at First Second booth
^ Top Cow booth
^ Rows of back issues up for grabs
^ More back issues!
^ Chewie in the house
^ A cosplayer getting ready
^ Marvel's Cuppa Joe panel, well hosted by EIC Joe Quesada. In the good tradition of this panel, readers lining up for the Q&A, Joe (with other Marvel creators like Bendis) answer like pros. Very cool panel.
^ The audience of various panels
^ The very big panel(check out the size of the people right under it) of Prototype, a game to be develop into a comic series by Jim Lee and his Wild Storm crew.