You can also read about what IACAScW moderator, Hafidz Mahpar's thought about the event as well as Rizal Solomon's article which appeared as a cover story in NST Life & Times on the 4th of July, 2008. Both are great reads.
Here are some images we captured during the 3 days. More images @michaelchuahdesign.

The impressive crowd outside the hall

Special guest artist leaving their wonderful markson the main entrance back drop

Pete Fowler & Tokidoki finishing up their part

Gary Erskine drawing Dan Dare

Bandai booth

If only they are real...

Our friend in Singapore, the incredible Imaginary Friend Studio(IFS)! Respects!

Prototype figurines from the up and coming Freedom Formula comics by IFS

The Association of Comic Artists, Singapore((ACAS)

Artists showing their talents @ACAS

Our Malaysian comrades @Gempak Starz booth, busy recruiting artists

Storm Troopers getting friendly with the crowd

The business is so good @Gloomy', even the wall are up for sale!

A few more and we can go home, or go for a drink!

Sonny Liew, who also has a booth, comes for a visit

Our Singaporean partner, Rixou of SoraWorks, whom we shared the booth

l>r: Lefty, designer Driv & Michael

Our friends from Malaysia, (l>r): Mike(pipit), Ivery(Pipit), Edmund(Yayawoo), Lefty & Michael

Lefty with British artist Gary Erskine

Winston holding his collection of Wonder Woman sketches, with Michael and Lefty at Gilamon's booth

Gilamon products at a glance

Michael explains about Gilamon Studio

Wonder Woman, the Amazombie Warrior, Lefty's sketch for Winston

Lefty with the main STCC back drop
yeah~~ nice exhibition n congraturation set up booth at there....gilamon keep walking~~~wahahaha
(although we hv to walk the wrong long way to suntec city... >.<)
really having a great time with u guys ^^
hope next time can join with u guys again ^^
Knew it wasnt all vacation and getaway for you guys despite being there for a few days in Spore since you have got crowds to entertain and arts to be publisized. For all I see, it looked like a successful event! (What was the thing in the pic that you wished was real? Those werent fake life-size donuts, were they?!) Cheers to good work, peeps!
That day Untung banyak oh.... hehe :P
GILAMON... All the best!!!!
Hey Redcode
I think we've walk enough during the day when we all decided to skip taxi to the exhibition hall hahahahaha... i bck still hurts :P
Lets do it again next year, and i hope u wont just stay for a day then :D
those r not real pastries. we were so hungry at dat time and its so hard to leave the booth, its such a disappointment to find out that those buns are just figurines!!!
Hey Ivery
The responds towards Gilamon were very good but we didn't earn a big bag of $ back ler. we are n indie outfit, not tokidoki or devilrobots. We managed to sell enough Ts to cover the full expenses of the trip though :P
it was great meeting everyone next year hopefully more malaysian artists will be at the artists alley! :)
Hey partner! Very good documentation with the photos.. sure brings back memories! I second the hungry and tired bit.. haha.. hope you guys had fun though ^_~ All the best for your ongoing projects, and hope to see ya'll again soon!
Hey Sonny
Judging from such great response, I m sure there will be more Malaysia artists/companies participating next year hahahaah...
We could not do this with out you :)
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