Gilamon will be doing a live demo at Movable Art 2008. The event will be held at the very cozy Palete Palette on the 2nd of March(Sun). There will also be poster showcase and art installations.
Here is an interview published in conjunction with the event at AFM's site. AFM (After Five Movement) is the main organizer for Movable Art 2008.
AFM: Gilamon was formed out of…
Gilamon: … passion in comic book art.
AFM: Who leads the team?
Gilamon: We work as equal share partners. We vote when we need to make a decision.
AFM: How long does it take for you to produce a four-page comic strip?
Lefty: Forever, or 2 weeks. Depends on my day job, really.
Sau Lim: It depends on how complicated I want the drawing to be; average time should be around 1 day plus minus.
Michael: 1 day penciling, 1 & half day inking
AFM: What do you have on your drawing table?
Lefty: A light box and some pens and pencils. I like to lay everything else(reference books, extra paper, comic books, CDs) on the floor and keep the drawing table "clean".
Sau Lim: This is quite an embarrassing question for me to answer. My drawing table well, is a just a tea table with the diameter slightly bigger than A3 paper, and because of the original surface was missing; I have to replace it with a piece of glass. With a light bulb underneath to convert it into a mini drawing table with the feature of a light box. What's on my drawing table? Nothing.
Michael: Paper, drawing tools & my iBook laptop.
AFM: Define your unique style.
Lefty: I know I should have my own style a million years ago but unfortunately I don't think I have. Maybe its because I am not very happy with my current style. Why don't you all have a look at my works and tell me what you think my style is :)
Sau Lim: Dark and shadowy with heavy texture rendering.
Michael: A little bit of trendy, a little bit of humour, a little bit of violence & lots of cutey! I so-called it "cutey pop".